Воскресенье, 17 марта 2013 16:32

Визитные карточки

Любая визитка, которую мы даем собеседнику, ассоциирует ее с владельцем. Именно поэтому визитка должна быть выполнена так, чтобы вызвать положительные эмоции у получателя, когда на нее смотрит. Вне зависимости от типа визитной карточки и статуса владельца, визитка обязательно должна быть качественной и иметь стиль.

Воскресенье, 17 марта 2013 16:25

7 причин, по которым ты не ставишь цели

Сколько бы я или кто-либо из практиков, теоретиков, гуру, целеполагания и тайм менеджмента не твердили тебе о важности постановки цели, о том, что цель- это фундамент твоей жизни, строительный материал твоих свершений и побед, важнейший элемент любого проекта или начинания, ты все равно не ставишь перед собой цель!

Четверг, 14 марта 2013 18:57

Understanding the Fluctuation of United Kingdom Gas Prices

Remembering when the United Kingdom was self sufficient for natural gas few factors changed gas prices. They were weather and demand, presently, the United Kingdom gas market has become more complicated and numerous factors have a direct effect on prices. With the drop of North Sea gas production the UK went from being self sufficient and an exporter of natural gas to being a net importer.
Среда, 13 марта 2013 18:11

SEO Ireland- Getting Your Business Noticed

Read this article to know all about SEO and SEM. Search engine marketing Ireland is a little bit different as compared to others, read this how to get rank in Ireland. The internet is a quickly changing place. There are a lot of innovations every single day, and people are doing whatever it takes to make the most of their business. If you’re in the market for some marketing assistance.
Понедельник, 11 марта 2013 16:27

The Critical Aspects Of Social Media And Its Overall Effectiveness

Social media has established a prominent presence as form of marketing utilized by companies in countless industries worldwide. There are a variety of inherent factors that can prove to substantially increase a company's brand equity and visibility, or possibly victimize a company's reputation. The way in which a social media strategy is implemented and monitored can go a long way in determining its overall effectiveness.
Воскресенье, 10 марта 2013 13:49

Essentials of wholesale dropshipping business

With the proliferation of World Wide Web, the spectrum and method of doing wholesale business has changed drastically over the past few decades. You can now start doing business without having to pre-purchase or stock any goods. All that needs to be done is to merely list products along with descriptions and graphics on the website of a B2B trade portal.
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